Lori Cerilli (Page)
I married Joe Cerilli just before I turned 29, and we're still married!

We had three beautiful daughters, Annie, Lindsey and Kim.
Annie just earned her BS of Nursing, and was immediately recruited by three separate departments at U-M Hospital. She chose the neurology floor.

Kim, our youngest, is a junior at Bowling Green University, majoring in biology. She just returned from a month in Japan with a few members of her classes and the teacher.

Lindsey was an amazing kid - infectious belly laugh, great cook, social butterfly, down to try ANYTHING. She solo parasailed at the age of 7! But she contracted leukemia the following year. She spent five months at U-M Hospital before she could come home. We had some wonderful years, then, and traveled extensively, after learning how life is so fragile. The day before she turned 13, doctors discovered she relapsed. In the next 2.5 years in the hospital, she underwent a stem cell transplant, but her body rejected it, and after a great deal of suffering she met with strength and determination, we lost her at the age of 15-1/2. We still miss our tie-dye kid every day.

But we're retired now, and JUST developed empty-nest syndrome, so we're traveling again. Never know where we'll end up!
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