Please help us find our Thurston High School Class of 1976 classmates!
Please read the list below, and check back often. If you do not see a name on this list, that is because they are already in our data base, OR Oppat is still looking.
Please direct them here to our Reunion website. Thank you!
Let me know, please, if you can help. There will be more as I go. If you just have phone numbers, I can make the calls. Or, if you have women's married names, lmk, and I can make those contacts, too. Appreciate it!
You can also give me more names to check, espracially for women with married names. Please give me maiden AND married names. -oppat
Nancy Alden
Hallibe Anderson
Jackie Barton
Kathy Barylski
Sam Becker
Lee Birnbaum
Pat Boulanger
Thomas Brown
Dan Byers
Annita Caccia
Sandra Camarata
Elizabeth Domonique Cantrell
David Considine, ONLINE NUMBER BAD
Kevin Cook
Kathy Dalrymple
Mark Darnell
Terrance M Davison
David DeMarco
Paul Dignard
Wendy Doran
Dan Finegan
Keith Forsythe
Maureen Fox
Susan Gajda
Brian Gannon
Paul Gardner
Raymond Garnett
Suzanne Garrison
Lawrence Geohegan
Russ Gloger
Steve Gokee
Diane Gutowski
Roy Gutowski
Beth Haney
Jean Harvilla
Debbie Haslam
Brenda Hatfield
Scott Hawkins
Mark H Heal
Janice Hetsler
Margaret Holcombe O'Callaghan
Scott Horton
Susan Hunter
Mark Ivankovics
Janie Jacks
James Johnson
Denise Joyal Bancroft
Gail Jolly
Stephen Kantos
Phyllis Kirk
Cheryl Knapp
Susan Kosek
Pam Kowalewski
Pam Krist
Corinne Kurnick
Kurt Kyle
Michael LaFrance
Vita Lamia
Michael Langell
Laurel LeForge
Pamela Long
Cheryl Lucas
Lori MacFarlin
Mary Machnis
Kathy Maihofer
James Marshall
Christine Mathie
Susann Malinowski
David Markus
Christine Mathie
Jean Matthews
Jim Mattson
Michaelle Mellian
Benjamin Meyer
Jill Miller
Dan Moilanen
David Mouilleseaux
Steven Murphy
David Murray
Kathy Navarrette
Robert Newton
Joseph Niemiec
Kurt O'Bradovich
Beverly Parratto Krahn
Sandra Parratto Hall
Cathy Phipps
Sandra Pirrello
Sharon Poma
Donna Post
Janice Powers
Cynthia Price
Patricia Price
Mike Quinn
Patrick Quinn
Connie Raymond
Donna Reed
Robert Rochon
Dave Saylor
Tony Scerri
Mary Scerri
Cheryl Smith
Eric Smith
Julie Smith
Kathleen Smith
Glen Snyder
Mike Steele
Kimberly Stevenson
Sherry Strachan
Marsha Taylor
Laurie Teeters
Nancy Temperley
Susan Tessmer
Ken Thomas
Brian Thompson
Chris Tzilos
Cathy Villeneuve
Toni Wallace
Sharon Walsh
Charles Webb
Patricia Wiesner
Janet Wilkinson
Mark Williams
Steven Williams
Judy Willis
Kim Wilson
Susan Wilson
Brett Winn
Suzanne Wojcik
Teresa Wojcik
Cathy Woodley
Jack Woodward
Helen Wymer
John G Wymer
John Wysocki
Susan Zajac